Our first cosy cuppa

Our first cosy cuppa

At this time of year (October) it gets dark in Shetland around 6.30pm, so by the time I had finished work and Magnus had dropped the boys of at Grandads, we made it home and went through the new equipment to see what was needed, it was gone past 7.30pm.

There was wind (of course!) and rain (double whammy), but even still our excitement kept us laughing and smiling until we got to our hook up which was in South Nesting. We were the only people there which was no surprise, Magnus went out in the elements and he got the motorhome connected and that was that. We put the heating on, the under counter mood lighting was on and we fired up the stove where we placed our trusty kettle on - and it was simply the best, first cup, we could have hoped for.

Where will your first cup be!?



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